The Bamboos/条.
Instead of 4 suits in a deck of playing cards, you have 3 suits, running from 1 to 9 rather than 1 to 10. The bamboo/sticks, with the exception of the 1 Bamboo, which is commonly represented by a bird, are represented by outlines of short sticks.

One Bamboo (Stick), with the image of a bird. Chinese character: 一条 /yī tiáo/

Two Bamboo (Stick). Chinese character: 二条 /èr tiáo/

Three Bamboo (Stick). Chinese character: 三条 /sān tiáo/

Four Bamboo (Stick). Chinese character: 四条 /sì tiáo/

Five Bamboo (Stick). Chinese character: 五条 /wǔ tiáo/

Six Bamboo (Stick). Chinese character: 六条 /liù tiáo/

Seven Bamboo (Stick). Chinese character: 七条 /qī tiáo/

Eight Bamboo (Stick). Chinese character: 八条 /bā tiáo/

Nine Bamboo (Stick). Chinese character: 九条 /jiǔ tiáo/